I love Orange Juice. Such a powerful, wonderfully tasting drink stemming from such a simple fruit. I think the old days of farms and fresh, un-chemical'd food were the best. Too bad the Jeffersonian ideal of an agricultural cultural didn't arise... Ah, progress.
Tuesday, several of my classes are all skipping and heading out to see Chronicles. It beats sitting through Mythology so I'm going with, even though I've already seen it. Such suffering is to be tolerated.... Wednesday I'll be seeing King Kong with Sarah, going into the Big City to actually view the thing on the best theater in the State. Perhaps we'll pick up a second flick while we are there as well. Oh, and getting surprise chocolate chip cookies is a good thing. A very, very good thing...
Once again, I'm horribly hyper. Too much pent-up energy. I didn't go to the Alaska Club today and workout, that means I've just got this drive to go, go, go. Much to the irritation of classmates and those around me. I really need to set-up my punching bag. I have no place to hang it and I feel the need to practice my martial arts and boxing bad.
I'd keep blogging but I'd much rather talk to Sarah then you guys. Oh snaps. I know that must sting...
Keep it real, my droogs.
- Maddog
baby it's cold outside