Like the Stanford-California College Football game of 1982, I come sailing through at the last possible minute, lateralling over and over again to avoid insurmountable obstacles and knocking over idiotic fans that stand between me and that sweet, precious goalline that means victory. Yes, that is right. I return to this place, where I rightly belong. It’s been too long but I come now at the turn of the tide.
It’s entirely due to two things: a long Christmas vacation and flights to various places and moving into the City. Christmas was good, but the move was even better. The move put me closer to a real (for Alaska) University and people and job, no hour long commute has to be endured for these commodities. In addition I have my own place, my very own. Well, it’s split with a very old highschool chum of mine but still, the principle remains. It is a wonderful principle, a beautiful principle.
It’s a little slum-apartment, five minutes from the University and Alaska Native Medical Center. For the price, it’s a good deal. Big, two bedrooms with a living room and kitchen. Not bad at all. The place already feels like home and I’m entertaining thoughts of spending another semester in Alaska merely so I don’t have to move out. I’m actually seriously considering obtaining my Economics degree from UAA so I can be done. I’m getting tired and worn out of college and I just want to be done, able to move on. I’m ready to move on, get a job, get married, and move to the lower 48. I feel like I’ve been stuck in this damn limbo for awhile now and it gets a tad bit old.
So yes, that’s why I’ve disappeared for awhile. I’ll be updating from now on with a lot more regularity, since I now have a laptop and can write beautiful constructions of the English language from a mobile and rapidly deployed base of operations. It’s getting late and it’s time to roll through the channels a final time, listen to one last song, check a remaining forum and turn in for the night. Time starts again tomorrow!
- Maddog
I’ve still got you to be my open door