I love it when conservative ideas work. The media and liberals scramble for excuses in an attempt to belittle and undermine the fruits of success, creating a rather comical circus in which socialism is the ringleader. Recent reports are showing a fascinating thing: tax revenue is increasing and the deficit is shrinking because of it. I guess those tax cuts are just slamming us around, huh?
We are seeing the result of Bush's tax cuts; increase in revenue. Welcome to number one rule of capitalism: he with the lowest price makes the most money. It's a simple thing, a direct cause-and-effect chain. We cut taxes and the economy grows. This lets us have, guess what, MORE TAXES.
The New York Times carries an article reporting on this revenue loaded with the typical spin that that paper loves to extort. I point you to Wizbang's piece on both the taxes and New York Times story for a proper study, Paul does a good job presenting it all to you. The part I really love in the NYT article is where it points out the raising revenue is coming from the Rich. Oh, what is this?
"An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy [emp. mine] is driving down the projected budget deficit this year, even though spending has climbed sharply because of the war in Iraq and the cost of hurricane relief"
Fascinating. After all that bantering and whining we've heard about tax cuts for the rich, look who we are bilking the most from. Do you enjoy that irony, just a bit? It looks like Bush's tax cuts are working, that capitalism, when allowed to flourish properly, works. Now if we could only get Bush to trim his decadent and exorbitant spending, then we'd be doing really well. Bush is only getting a little bit of the puzzle right, the rest of the pieces are still a giant jumble.
If we'd stop spending so much then we would have even more revenue. But I guess Bush only has a limited grasp of capitalism.
Fight the socialists
- Maddog
it's all about the benjamins baby